If a Pennsylvania court deems your loved one incapacitated, the court will appoint a professional or family guardian. This guardian is legally permitted to make certain financial, medical, and personal decisions on the adult’s behalf.

While Pennsylvania mandates specific guardianship procedures, Zacks Trust & Estate Law is equipped to navigate them so you can establish legal guardianship for your adult-aged child or family member in advance.

  • We deeply appreciate Jillian's expertise and empathy towards our family and extended family over the past decade. Planning the future for a child with special needs is a daunting task. Knowing that Jillian is guiding us gives us immense comfort and peace of mind. Thank you for being our steadfast support.

    Dave and Deborah Levy

  • Jillian was a wealth of knowledge for my husband and myself. She's very attentive and considerate to our particular needs.

    Robin R.